2 Storey Prewar House at Georgetown


Location : Georgetown
Type : 2 Storey PrewarHouse
Address : Lorong Tok Aka
Build Up Area : approx. 1550 sq ft
Tenure : Freehold
Asking Rental : RM3,500 per month

Toh Aka Lane, also written Tok Aka Lane, is a narrow lane with much character within the core zone of George town’s Unesco World Heritage Site.The lane has three arms forming the letter “T” – one arm leads out to Beach Street, another to Malay Street while another ends at the back gate of the Acheen Street Mosque. Carnarvon Lane also ends at Toh Aka Lane.

Please contact Jenny at 013-2 93 83 73 or email to megarealty381@gmail.com or Direct whatsapp at http://jennymega.wasap.my.
Thank you

Location map