Jalan Tembaga Semi-D Double Storey, Island Park, Greenlane

Jalan Tembaga, 11600 Jelutong, Pulau Pinang, 马来西亚


Jalan Tembaga Semi-D Double Storey For Sell :

Land type: Residential and Business
Land area: 4228 sq ft
Built-up: 2,100 sq ft
No of bedroom: 4
No of bathroom:2
No of Car park within compound: 5-6
Extended external wet kitchen into backyard, no internal renovation, timber flooring.
Very good for business premise:
Facing junction, on main road.
Excellent frontage and visibility.
🔹 Selling Price RM1,700,000

Contact :Ocean Leong 0142456737 (whatapps /call)

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